Lake Whitney Ranch
CLIFTON, TEX. – Due to the lateness of the hour, the Lake Whitney Ranch report was not presented at the Texas Conference Quadrennial Constituency Session but referred to the mid-term session in 2021. This article highlights the progress being made at the ranch from that report.
Previously, three beautiful lodges were completed. During the summer months, bunk beds are brought to the lodges for summer camp.
In the spring of 2018, a Lake Whitney Ranch Operating and Building Committee was formed to discuss future plans for the property. It was helpful to learn a master plan was created, so we did not have to start from scratch.
Knowing the immediate need for an enclosed meeting space, a temporary event center was purchased providing an occupancy of 200. This allowed summer campers a place to meet for general sessions out of the sun.
Following the purchase of new wakeboards and ski boats in 2018, the opportunity to have a five-slip boat house along the waterfront was granted. A floating boat house was created this summer providing a place for four boats and a sailboat. As the water level changes on Lake Whitney, the boat house rises and lowers.
Other improvements include outdoor LED lighting and electrical upgrades, along with road, fencing, gate and irrigation improvements.
Road signs were installed making it easier to find where to go while providing emergency personnel the information they need in case of an emergency.
A sign outside the property will be installed making it easier to find the ranch. An entrance sign will also be created providing a pleasing welcome to the ranch while signifying its connection to the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Other projects on the list include five summer camp cabins, a multi-purpose building with a kitchen and two bath houses. These projects total about $5 million and will be completed as funds allow. The Revolving Fund policy allows us to borrow 65% of project costs, but we must have $1.75 million in hand to complete all of these projects.
Donations for Lake Whitney Ranch may be given by marking a tithe envelope or online at
By Randall B. Terry, Treasurer