Impact: Camp Meeting 2024

ATHENS, TEX. – Southwest Region Conference Camp Meeting was held at Lone Star Camp, July 12-15, 2024. We are still praising God for the four spirit-filled days! Together, we celebrated 25 baptisms and a great attendance with over 3,000 people on Sabbath! Camp meeting included powerful preaching, inspirational singing, informative workshops, heartfelt fellowship and powerful prayer services.

We had the grand opening of the new 400-seat chapel, as well as the grand opening of the Cedar Mini-Lodge with 10 hotel-style rooms. Over $100,000 was raised for the Sabbath’s offering for the “Moving Southwest ‘4’ Ward initiative! There was an exciting Pathfinder parade and exhilarating recreation through horseback riding, basketball, volleyball, rock climbing, swimming, jet-skiing and boat riding! We also had a culminating fireworks display in celebration of 45 years of owning Lone Star Camp!
This year’s camp meeting theme was “Impact—Churches, Community and Culture,” and attendees were encouraged to make a positive impact with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ! Recognizing that we often have motion but limited movement in our ministries, leaders encouraged church members to return to their respective communities and make an impact. Specifically, attendees were motivated to do greater work for the Lord in 2024 through ministry and evangelism efforts with collective sights on the North American Division’s initiative, “Pentecost 2025,” where the goal is for every church in the Southwest Region Conference to conduct a public evangelistic campaign in 2025.
The Southwest Region conference is already looking forward to Camp Meeting 2025, which will be held at Lone Star Camp, June 11-14. Before this spiritual convocation commences, however, continued physical plant development will take place at the campground, along with major evangelism taking place throughout the conference territory. At Camp Meeting 2025, we look forward to hearing the miraculous testimonies from individuals whose lives were blessed because of the impacting ministry of God’s people!