Growing Together for Spanish-speaking Audiences

BURLESON, TEX. – The church is facing difficult times with youth and young adults in general. Some have stated that they don’t feel valued or the church has nothing to offer them. So, they try to find a place of belonging, and it’s our responsibility to provide just that. We are committed to developing and fostering relationships that are beneficial to the entire church body. We have been engaged in Growing Young, an initiative that bridges the gap between seasoned members and younger members. We have introduced this to various English-speaking churches throughout our union.
Now, we are preparing to introduce the concept of “Growing Together” to our Spanish-speaking churches in the Southwestern Union. We are planning an in-person meeting on July 28-29, 2022, on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University. At this meeting we will share concepts that have been proven to growing churches healthier and stronger for the glory of God. However, I would like to invite all of our Spanish speaking churches to join us on either May 13 or 14 on a Zoom call to share with more information about Growing Together and why you would want to be in person on July 28-29, 2022. We are planning to meet on Zoom for one hour on Friday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. and one hour on Sabbath, May 14 at 5 p.m., whichever date fits your schedule best please join, the same information will be presented both times. We are encouraging pastors, church elders, youth leaders and anyone who has a passion for intergenerational church growth to be a part of this dynamic ministry. Please contact the Young Adult and Youth Department at Southwestern Union office for more information and for the Zoom link at or 817.295.0476.
By Helvis C. Moody
Young Adult and Youth Director