God’s Timeless Plan for Total Health and Peace

How important is our physical health? No one likes being sick. How important is mental health? We all desire to be mentally healthy, alert and sharp. How important, then, is spiritual health? When we are distant from God, we lose our peace.
These are among the reasons God gave us a health message. Since we are whole beings, whatever affects one part of us affects the others. To be truly healthy, we must care for our physical, mental and spiritual health.
At creation, God laid out an ideal health plan. First, we see the spiritual dimension: Adam and Eve walking and talking with God in the garden. Next, God placed them in a country environment, surrounded by nature. Adam and Eve were physically active as they tended the garden, spending time outdoors in fresh air and sunshine.
They also had access to clean, pure water, and God gave them a weekly Sabbath to rest and strengthen their relationship with Him. In this perfect environment, they naturally practiced what we sometimes call the eight laws of health: nutrition through a plant-based diet, exercise, water, sunshine, fresh air, trust in God and rest.
God’s plan for physical, mental and spiritual health hasn’t changed in 6,000 years. As the world grows sicker by violating these laws, we can benefit from practicing and teaching them.
I grew up practicing only a few of these principles. I had no relationship with God. My diet was poor, I was intemperate with certain substances and I drank very little water.
Consequently, I experienced several health issues and lacked peace. As I searched for better health and peace, the Lord led me into a relationship with Him. Then I learned about and began practicing the health principles I found in the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White. As I did, my health improved. God’s original plan still works to help restore sickness to health.
Exodus 15:26 says, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”
If we walk closely with the Lord and follow His counsel, including His health counsel, He will bless our health in all areas. Jesus spent much time healing people and then asking them to follow Him, abandoning harmful practices. We too need to let go of what harms us and embrace what brings health and healing—mentally, physically and spiritually. We may need to change practices and habits that impede good health, and cultivate those that foster it.
Jesus promised He would give us grace and power to do this. May God give us the strength to improve our health wholistically by following His plan and counsel in 2025.