For Such a Time As This: Southwestern Union Outlines Initiatives

BURLESON, TEX. – Roughly a year ago, the leadership team of the Southwestern Union put together a roadmap for the five-year quinquennium 2021-2026. An old adage states: “If you aim for nothing, you’ll hit the target every time.”
Taking into consideration what we felt were the imminent and most pressing of needs, we prayerfully and carefully scripted a game plan outlining the six major initiatives of ministry for the southwestern territory during this time span.
First, we developed the overarching theme: “One for Six and Six for All”. This simply states that each of the five conferences: Arkansas-Louisiana, Oklahoma, Southwest Region, Texas and Texico, along with Southwestern Adventist University, will labor in cohesion with synergy to obtain the highest ideals and results under the almighty leadership of the Lord.
Second, we believe that we are tasked with providing vision at a crucial and pivotal moment in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. New, fearless and innovative leadership is greatly needed! Our plan is to partner with the North American Division and AdventHealth to inspire and develop young leaders throughout the Southwestern Union.
Third, we plan to focus on and develop the “Growing Together” initiative across our territory. “Growing Together” simply involves combining the vigor and energy of youth and young adults with the experience and wisdom of older generations. The time is now to use every faculty and talent for the advancement of the Master’s kingdom.
Fourth, we seek to continue the advancement and development of Adventist Education across the Southwestern Union. Our schools are our lifeline and the production line for leadership in the local and corporate Seventh-day Adventist Church and beyond! We must ensure their stability and viability.
Fifth, we are privileged and honored to have embarked on a wonderful working relationship with AdventHealth and we believe we can learn much from their success and partner to reach the communities that surround us with the Gospel message, as well as the healing touch. AdventHealth operates four health care facilities in Texas: AdventHealth Central Texas in Killeen, AdventHealth Rollins Brook in Lampasas, Texas Health Hospital Mansfield in Mansfield and Texas Health Huguley Hospital in Burleson.
Last but not least, we will embrace evangelism as a culture and not an isolated activity. “Fanning the Flame” is an evangelism initiative and tagline being used in the Southwestern Union. The flame has flickered as far as our efforts to make disciples, but we feel that the world around us is ripe for a harvest. Pray with us as we seek to accomplish these things for the Lord’s honor and glory and the advancement of His kingdom on earth.
By Carlos Craig, President