Fall Executive Committee Highlights

BURLESON, TEX. – With 40 members present, in person and virtually, the Southwestern Union executive committee met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 10, 2022. The meeting began with an encouraging devotional given by Southwestern Union Vice President for Church Ministries Tony Anobile.
Progress Reports
James Shires, Oklahoma Conference president, reported on the wonderful progress in Oklahoma. Furthermore, the executive committee continued to be encouraged by departmental reports given by Sonia Cano for Sabbath school, and children’s ministries; Helvis Moody for young adult, youth and prayer ministries; Letty Craig for women, ministerial spouses and family ministries; Carol Campbell for education; Tony Anobile for ministerial and church ministries; Osvaldo Rigacci for multicultural ministries.
Membership Report
The Southwestern Union Executive Secretary Stephen Brooks presented the membership report for Sept. 30, 2022. The Southwestern Union reported 2,327 baptisms and professions of faith for through September, with an adjusted membership of 120,928 members. Praise God for continued growth in His Kingdom!
Financial and Revolving Fund
Southwestern Union Treasurer John Page presented the September 2022 financial statement and revolving fund report. Page stated that the Southwestern Union is continuing to experience tithes increases. We thank God as He continues to resource His Church for ministry.
It was voted to increase Revolving Fund interest rates by one and a half percent for both loans and deposit accounts effective Jan. 1, 2023.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Jason North of the Southwest Region Conference and Jeff Villegas of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference were voted as members of the Southwestern Union constitution and bylaws committee due to two vacancies.
Church Planting and LVP Coordinator
Robin Lopez was voted to serve the Southwestern Union as church planting and volunteer lay pastor coordinator. He will assist the conferences in the Southwestern Union as a resource in the areas of church planting, setting-up a volunteer lay pastor programs and church revitalization on a part-time basis, while continuing to fulfill these responsibilities for the Texas Conference.
The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held March 22, 2023.
By Stephen Brooks
Executive Secretary