Exploring Jesus’ World

AUSTIN, TEX. – The Austin Alpha Seventh-day Adventist Church recently launched another spirit-filled Vacation Bible Xperience (VBX) using the Sea of Miracles program created by the Children’s Ministries Department of the North American Division.
The church averaged 45 students in attendance each night and a third of those attendees were not members of the church. Through VBX, we offered these children an opportunity to explore what the world was like during Biblical times when Jesus walked the earth.
In one activity, students crushed flowers to make perfume. They dyed wool and pressed grapes with their feet to make “grape juice.” They even ground wheat to make flour. The Bible Story station “Simona’s House” was a place where Bible characters told stories from Jesus’ time. The children entered Simona’s tent and experienced activities that made each story captivating.
Our game station was called “Shepherds’ Field.” Here we featured activities that emphasized the key Bible points we had learned earlier in the day. The most inspirational station was the Prayer station. Children climbed the “Mountaintop” which was an upstairs conference room that featured quiet “caves.” Once there they learned how to pray for others and fellowship with the Master.
The most work however, went into the “Fish Market.” This area included a snack station and curriculum. Here the teachers were given yet another opportunity to reinforce lessons. The Fish Market featured sea-themed hot meals and desserts.
We ate and fellowshipped together as one big happy Austin Alpha church family as the team told stories and taught students how to pray and give thanks for their meals.
The grand finale was our VBX Sabbath program. That day the children and leadership team shared songs, a video montage and even a formal graduation. It was a blessing to see first-time introductions of children to Jesus!
By Donna Radford-Dalton