Every Home a Church

Dallas – “Every home a church” is the theme that moved around the Southwest Region Conference in response to the situation caused by coronavirus (COVID-19). While church buildings closed their doors and congregations ceased to gather for face-to-face prayer and Bible study, the church remained open for worship at home and on the internet.
Matthew 18:20 affirms that where two or three gather in God’s name, there He is with them, and we testify that God was with us on every phone and internet connection, every Facebook Live event and every YouTube video replayed where God’s name has been lifted up.
At least once a day, every day of the week, Southwest Region Conference members could tune in to one of many conference-wide live prayer hours and small group meetings.
More than 2,000 youth from around the conference came together for YAWE, a Youth and Young Adult Worship Experience in both English and Spanish, as well as for a live Bible Bee on Zoom.
Friday evenings became the highlight of the week when hundreds of participants joined Facebook Live for a “Fireside Chat with President Watkins,” as Southwest Region Conference President Calvin Watkins welcomed the Sabbath hours and led our members in prayer and Bible study.
Members appreciated special segments with Watkins hosting panels with medical doctors and experts, the presidents of the nine Regional Conferences in North America and most recently, Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
In Wilson’s message to the membership, he quoted verses from Psalm 57 and 46 and reminded us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1.
Wilson encouraged members to spend time in the Word of God and in prayer asking for the latter rain and to be involved in the mighty mission to warn people of the great things to come upon the earth and the provisions that the Lord is making for us now and of His soon return.
These weekly broadcasts gained an extraordinary following, evident in the more than 6,000 viewers that have continued to watch after the live broadcasts have ended. A true testament to the extent of God’s wonderful reach.
According to Watkins, “The COVID-19 crisis is changing the way we do ministry.”Members are actively conducting Bible studies through Zoom and other online platforms; former members are returning to Christ and the church is receiving all who desire to be ready for Jesus’ soon return.
While the world awaits the uncertainty of another day, the Southwest Region Conference family continues to encourage one another and spread the Gospel and the hope of Jesus Christ to those in its territory and far beyond.
We realize that, more than ever, there is no limit to how we can come together and worship God, there is no obstacle for doing ministry and certainly no excuse for not sharing the gospel message.
By Leslie Soupet
Administrative Assistant to the President