Evangelism Caravan Baptizes 38 and Plants Church

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. – Under the motto “Oklahoma for Christ,” Hispanic Ministries launched its mission plan for the year 2023 in Oklahoma. We wanted to involve all Hispanic pastors, churches, leaders and, if possible, all the members.
Earlier this year, we celebrated small group evangelistic campaigns in preparation for our highly anticipated Oklahoma Statewide Evangelistic Caravan.

Then, the long-awaited day finally arrived and the inaugural ceremony opened with the entrance of the “torch” as a symbol of the light that we would spread for nine days around the state. With the participation of all the Hispanic pastors, the Oklahoma Conference Hispanic coordinator and the Hispanic coordinator of the Southwestern Union, we began a tour that involved 12 churches and eight groups. From June 2-10 we held small group parades, baptisms, concerts and preached the message at every location, including large rallies in Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
We visited with and encouraged church members to work together to finish God’s work in our territory. By the grace of God, we baptized 38 people and had many interests for Bible studies. The most outstanding experience we had in our caravan was the meeting in a small town where there are no Seventh-day Adventists. Incredibly, we had 40 visitors there, and due to the great interest, the district pastor decided to start a group in that place for the honor and glory of our God.

The testimony of a family that was baptized on June 10 was also extraordinary: through their own study of the Bible, they found truths such as the tithe, the Sabbath and the state of the dead. God led them to our church, and they are very happy to be part of it.
We continue to pray and work for the salvation of all those around us in Oklahoma.
By Luis Prieto