enTrusted and Rejuvenated

CLIFTON, TEX. – Local church stewardship and treasury leaders enjoyed enTrusted, a weekend retreat and training at Lake Whitney Ranch in Clifton, Tex. Leaders had two options: Oct. 20-22, 2023 in English or Oct. 27-29, 2023 in Spanish.
“I believe our conference is leading the way, creating the first retreat for treasurers and stewardship leaders,” said Dileanny Jimenez, Texas Conference associate treasurer who oversees our conference church audits. “God works in marvelous ways—enTrusted went from a dream to a realization—to Him be the glory. Our local church treasurers are dedicated volunteers entrusted with God’s finances. It’s nice to have this time to affirm their work and discuss their challenges.”
Coordinated between Texas Conference Treasury and Texas Conference Planned Giving and Trust Services/Stewardship, the local church stewardship leaders were also acknowledged for their service.
“In Bible times, a steward was a respected person of high integrity entrusted with his master’s possessions,” Lynette Ecord, Texas Conference Planned Giving and Trust Services/Stewardship director, stated. “It’s about recognizing that God owns all, and we are His managers, responsible for using His possessions to honor and please Him. Whether that is through our time, money, talents or resources.”
“Our keynote speaker, Texas Conference Executive Secretary David Montoya, reminded us of this responsibility,” Texas Conference Treasurer Randy Terry added. “The weekend emphasized the importance of working together to be God’s enTrusted representatives. I want to thank our local church leaders and conference team who work tirelessly to safeguard God’s money.”
The evaluation survey results were positive, with 99% of the survey recipients indicating they would attend another stewardship and treasurer retreat and training. “Attendees were helpful with their survey suggestions,” Jimenez added. “They let us know what they liked about the weekend and what would improve it, including topics they would like to see covered in the future.”
The next local church stewardship and treasurer spiritual weekend is scheduled in Houston for Sept. 20-22, 2024. Email Treasury@txsda.org to ensure you are on the list for updates.
By Tamara Michalenko Terry
Associate Director for Communication and Public Relations
Photos by Jorge Velez