Embracing the Gift of Salvation

During this time of year, we pause to consider the incarnation and birth of Christ and the implications His life holds for us. How can we ever repay the great gift of salvation? How can we demonstrate our faith in the sacrifice that God made for us and the hope the resurrection offers?
The love of God was poured out to us in the life of Christ. It is through Him we have been reconciled to God. In Romans 5:6-11, Scripture says, this was done for us when we were ungodly, sinners and enemies of God. What can we possibly do to express our gratitude for this life-altering gift? When Jesus was asked what was required by God He responded, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” John 6:29 (NKJV).
Imagine how you would feel as a parent if your child, who you knew was talented and loving, came and told you that they thought they were just terrible, had no skill and were worthless, and they said to you, “I don’t know why you even love me. I don’t deserve it.” How would that make you feel?
Now, imagine you’re God, and your words have creative power, and you have given your life to redeem your children. You have then spoken over them with words that were powerful enough to create everything from nothing. By these words you have called them Son and Daughter, you have declared to them that they have been sanctified, (Heb. 10:10), and that they have been perfected forever (Heb. 10:14). And that this is the fulfillment of the new covenant, that they have had their hearts transformed (Jer. 31:31-34, Heb. 8:6-13). “Then he adds, their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” (Heb. 10:17).
In response to God’s declarations, we proclaim to everyone who will listen that “my heart is wicked, I’ll never measure up, and I’ll always be a sinner.” What must those words do to the heart of God? How can we continue to call ourselves something that God has said we are no longer? Romans exhort us to submit our bodies as living sacrifices by renewing our minds or by believing.
Dear Christians, while we were sinners, Christ died and reconciled us to God. And now He calls us to go out as His ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:14-21) to reconcile everyone who would come to God in the same way. By believing the words of Jesus over our lives and declaring to all the world that they, too, can be reconciled to God in Christ.
It is by faith in the life of the Son of God born thousands of years ago that you and I and this world have become righteous. The same Spirit that has given us a new heart lives in us now, empowering us to tell the world that by faith they too can experience the joys of a life made new in Jesus.
By Wes Via
Communications Director