Educational Evangelism at Its Best

The mission of Adventist education is to enable learners to develop a life of faith in God and to use their knowledge, skills and understandings to serve God and humanity. Every day in the Texas Conference, our educators contribute their time, talent and treasure to ensure that God is glorified and introduced to every student. This great work of educational evangelism has given us a high calling to prepare students for this world and the world to come in our 22 schools.
Adventist education in Texas does not work without collaboration with other conference departments. Developing these key partnerships has allowed a deeper connection to our Church and our conference mission following John 17:21, “Together As One.” This theme is designed to unite in ministry to spread the Gospel message.
Adventist Community Services (ACS) is relevant to our students because ACS Directors Bo and Deborah Gendke visit schools, assist with service projects during Bible Camp and direct disaster training at Outdoor School. The service component is a key link for our students as we train them as followers of Christ.
The Ministry and Evangelism department sponsors a portion of each school's Week of Prayer speaker expenses and funds additional Bible materials. As an amazing addition to our Bible Encounter curriculum, we purchased and sent each school a kit to teach the Three Angels’ Message. Three Angels for Kids, a curriculum endorsed by the North American Division, is a PreK to 12th-grade curriculum created to introduce the Revelation 14 message of a God of love about to intervene for humanity. The goal is to draw students into loving relationships with Jesus through its core of righteousness by faith and trust in the One who provided the ultimate sacrifice for us. This new addition to our elementary schools is a step forward in our distinctively Adventist curriculum that will strengthen our tie to the core reason our schools exist.
The Secretariat and Hispanic Ministries departments are key advisors as we develop our spiritual master plan and infuse Christ into our schools. Their words of wisdom and key ideas have assisted with the beginning talks of having a dedicated pastor at several of our academies. This invaluable contribution to our schools not only enhances the spiritual climate on campuses but also allows for a deeper dive into the Bible Encounter curriculum by pastors who have spent extensive time studying God’s Word.
Countless other departments and volunteers pour into the Texas Conference Adventist Education system. The saying “It takes a village” is not just idle words; it is our motto, and we proudly serve alongside our colleagues as we serve our constituents to fulfill our mission.
This noble work calls us to reach out to each student and see they are saved in God’s kingdom. We are thankful for our educators who show the love of our Savior to our students as they guide them in academic and spiritual lessons.
We are forever grateful for all those who support Adventist education, our schools, students, educators and staff. May God be praised in all we do to advance our schools and lead our children to the Kingdom.
By Kisha R. Norris, Ed.D.
Texas Conference Vice President for Education