DeRidder Offers Free Books at Festival

DERIDDER, LA. – Every year during the third weekend in June, Beauregard Parish hosts their annual Watermelon Festival in DeRidder, La. This year, the DeRidder Seventh-day Adventist Church voted to participate in the event as an opportunity to engage with the community. The church purchased a variety of literature from the Adventist Book Center and Amazing Facts. We rented table space, had a banner with our church name printed on it and made signs that said, “Free Books.” Throughout the three days of the fair, Thursday to Saturday, many visitors stopped by the table, conversed with us about what we believed as a church and took literature. A canvas bag with the church’s name and address printed on it was given to each person who took books. A prayer request jar with paper and pen was made accessible for people to fill out their requests. Over 50 attendees visited our table and talked with our members and pastor. We pray for the many individuals who took literature and continue to ask God to fill their hearts with love as they seek truth.
By Rosemaire Jeffries