Comforted Assurance

With the rash of recent events in our country and around the world exhibiting evil, hate, intolerance and more, we turn to scripture seeking solace and comfort in the shadow of stark tyranny. Listen to the words of the psalmist in Psalm 61:1-4: “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.”
We cringe today under the constant threat and menace of a godless society where we have come to expect the news of the day to speak of some new horrific atrocity, some despicable act that is more heinous than the previous. We are no longer shocked or dismayed by the barrage of evil, the onslaught of mass murder and destruction. As Christians, we have no other place to turn but to the promises of God’s Word.
Wherever we are, whatever our circumstances, whoever may threaten our existence—while there is life, we possess that liberty to draw near to God, seek His face, and draw from His strength even in the midst of chaos.
Through David’s dark moments, crippling sin and the constant persecution of those who would see him dead, he speaks to his own soul adhering to the one constant, the one assurance that we have in this life: that our Creator and Redeemer is always available, ever willing to listen and to strengthen. The uncertainty of this world must point us to the certainty of the eternal world that awaits us. Our tears and our fears must provoke intense prayer and supplication on our part. The uncertainty of this world must point us to the certainty of the eternal world that awaits us.
Today, as we live and move overshadowed by the evil events around us may we live with bold assurance, knowing that our Lord and King has overcome; thus, we can live with sacred confidence in He who rules the universe and has all things under His dominion.
By Carlos J. Craig, President