Camporee Showcases Intergenerational Ministry

GILLETTE, WYO. – Intergenerational ministry brings people from different generations together to learn, serve, worship and share as they live out their calling to be the body of Christ.
Club ministries like Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides are crucial in fostering such connections within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These ministries build meaningful mentor-mentee relationships, which contribute to the health and growth of our churches.
As Pathfinder clubs worldwide prepared for the International Pathfinder Camporee held August 5-11, 2024, thousands of pastors, elders, youth, young adults, parents and grandparents worked together, providing a deep sense of community fueled by intergenerational collaboration.
Five thousand Texas Conference campers were part of the 60,000 in attendance at the camporee. Ninety-three Texas Conference Pathfinders chose to get baptized, and 31 committed and dedicated individuals from our conference invested as Master Guides.
The Texas Conference entrance honored the Houston Space Center. its magnitude representing the excellence each Pathfinder director puts into this ministry.
The first Texas Conference drum corps made us proud winning first place at the camporee (see story on page 37).
Churches today must invest their resources in initiatives like club ministries, which are an intergenerational way to expand the Kingdom of God here on earth.