Building Bonds and Boosting Health

While filling a need for its senior members, the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church is also creating bonds between church members and the community. Free senior exercise classes are offered every Tuesday and Thursday, sponsored by Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Cleburne. As a result, community and church members enjoy a safe place to socialize and improve total-body health.
“It’s hard to be spiritual when your body doesn’t feel good,” says Rita Earhart, class attendee and Keene church member. “You need balance. You need exercise to give you strength both physically and mentally.”
That’s why Perla Dennis, instructor, provides tips that can be used both inside and outside of class, encouraging attendees to move daily and often. There is a big emphasis on safety. With 20 years of experience leading group exercise, Dennis is able to provide safe movements for all skill levels.

After several months, assessments take place to determine physical improvement. Yet, not all class benefits are measurable. An added bonus to this class is the built-in social element.
“Seniors can become lonely,” says Kari Anderson, program manager for employee health at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Cleburne. “This class is a chance for them to get out and meet with other seniors. It creates a bond with the teacher and the students. They also feel really good about their health when they exercise.”
In addition to the class, Dennis organizes a monthly social gathering to celebrate class members' birthdays and to chat. As some attendees are not members of the Keene church, this helps to provide a connection between Adventists and non-Adventists in the Keene community.
“I think it’s a great option to help the community feel safe coming onto church property,” says April Snyder, pastor for community engagement.
According to Earhart, class members check in on each other. They notice when someone isn’t in class and reach out to missing class members. Friendships are being formed.
“I do think it’s important that churches become more focused on whole heath,” says Snyder. “Mind, body and spirit are all intertwined. It also creates an easier pathway to treat the temple, as our body, and to be consistent with our theology.”
Anderson suggests that if you’re interested in starting a senior exercise class at your own church, look into becoming Silver Sneakers certified. “Texas Health Resources Cleburne partners to offer three senior exercise class locations in Johnson County, including at Keene church,” she says, “but a representative from any church, anywhere, can look into how to become a Silver Sneakers teacher. It’s not too difficult.”
By Makala James, Record Writer