Big Spring Celebrates Adventurer Club Induction

BIG SPRING, TEX. – The Big Spring Seventh-day Adventist Church is a small rural church in Big Spring, Tex. In 2006, the church found itself childless. As time passed, Big Spring felt the loss and missed the sound of little feet pitter-pattering in the aisles and the sweet smiles of children. The church members took this absence to heart and felt convicted to pray. After nine years of prayer, Brayden Mogaka, was born in June 2015. Still, the church continued to pray.
In April 2016, another child was born, Launa Ausbie. In May 2017, a Kenyan family joined the church who had a little girl named Ruth Ole Nagol. Before long, there were two births in 2018, just four months apart, Gia Hayley and Brielle Mogaka. The church was beginning to thrive and flourish with the presence of children again.
Shortly after, Rochelle Hayley formed a parent’s group that began to meet twice a month and the parents agreed that they would start an Adventurer’s club for their children. After a year of planning and preparing the parents to venture into this exciting time in the church’s history, the Young Sowers Adventurer’s Club was formed in August 2022. The church elected Ibrahim Ole Nagol as director of Adventurer club and Andrea Loya as deputy director.
On Nov. 19, 2022, 12 children were inducted into the club by Eliseo Mauricio, Master Guide and Adventurer area coordinator for West Texas. Abner Razon, Big Spring’s pastor, presented the message and had a dedication prayer for them. The induction service was the highlight of the worship service and the children participated in a beautiful program.
The children are committed to dedicating their lives to Jesus and along with their parents, the church is dedicated to helping them grow and learn about Christ as their Lord and Savior.
By Angela Cruz