Bible Marking Class
Last fall the Shreveport First Seventh-day Adventist Church began a Bible Marking class under the direction of Bonnie Hernandez. Approximately 25 people joined the class and are faithfully working their way through the 29 Fundamental Beliefs.
In the back of the Bible, attendants make a list of study topics, beginning with the first verse that begins the study. Each topic is coded with a letter or two and verses are colored in different colors. By each verse the next text in the study is written. You can be prepared at a moment’s notice to give anyone a great Bible study.
Along with marking the texts, members are memorizing the books of the Bible and getting familiar with where things are. There are several newly baptized members along with others who have attended evangelism meetings who want to learn more. Several members have brought other friends from other churches who are also interested in studying the Bible.
Hernandez is enjoying teaching the class and her husband, Ronnie, has helped in getting a PowerPoint presentation set up for her. It helps to be able to see what you are doing and how it should work when finished. “I think we all need to be in our Bibles more,” Bonnie said. “That’s how God talks to us.”
By Sylvia Downs