Bethel Church Delivers Hope with Backpack Giveaway

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, the Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church on South Kings Highway held its second annual free backpack and supply giveaway. The event was sponsored by the deaconesses, women’s ministries and Pathfinders, with church members coming out to support the assembly and distribution of the backpacks.
The goal for this project was to give away at least 75 backpacks, and we provided 80, much to the excitement of the students and parents.
The church departments furnished the supplies, and 50 of the backpacks were donated by Ashdown Mill. Additionally, an anonymous donor left five backpacks with supplies at the church door. Along with school supplies, the backpacks contained inspirational literature that encouraged families to remain hopeful during tough times, and raised awareness of the Bethel Adventist Church School.
In the future, we hope to increase the number of backpacks given and incorporate additional activities during this annual event. We aim to help as many families as possible while enhancing awareness of our church and school within the community.
We express our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to making this event a success, especially the backpack committee: Annie Turner, Emma Hudson and Shelia Jefferson. To God be all glory!