Beloved Pastor Retires After Long Career in the Texico Conference

CORRALES, N.M. – One of Texico’s beloved pastors, Nehemias Basit, retired in 2022. Basit officially concluded his pastoral career that spanned more than four decades in October 2022.
Basit, an ordained minister, was pastoring the Los Lunas, Belen, Socorro and Truth or Consequences district prior to his retirement. He also served as the Sabbath school director of the Texico Conference for over 15 years. Before joining the Texico Conference, he was a district pastor, academy teacher and principal in the Philippines. Basit holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Philosophy, and a Master of Divinity degree.
“Basit has impacted many lives through his ministry contributions, and we are grateful for his faithful service in the Texico Conference,” said Phil Robertson, Texico Conference executive secretary/treasurer.
When he arrived at the Texico Conference, Basit started as a literature evangelist and has since served as a pastor in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe and Corrales. When his three children were of college age, he moved to Texas and pastored in the Texas Conference while they attended Southwestern Adventist University. He soon returned to the Texico Conference and served the Clovis district for seven years. Joining him in retirement is his wife Evita, who has been a big supporter of his ministry throughout his career.
“Like the Apostle Paul, I can say that I have finished my course,” said Basit. “After no less than 45 years of serving the Lord in many different capacities, I can say, ‘thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve your people’. I had the best years of pastoral experiences with the Texico Conference members and its lay leaders.”
Basit will long be remembered by members for his dedication to serving the Lord, sense of humor, passion for Sabbath School training and his love of golf.
“Both Evita and Nehemias will always hold a special place in our hearts and will continue to be a part of the Texico Conference family,” said Robertson.
By Debby Márquez
Communication Director