Applegate Adventist Christian School

ROUND ROCK, TEX. – We are Applegate Adventist Christian School, where we believe in the philosophy of Christ, adopted by Ellen G. White, where each child is considered special, where each child receives individualized personal attention, where each child’s academic curriculum is tailor-made to their learning ability and where home, school and church work as one cohesive unit contributing to the success of the child. As a small church school, our history for the past 20 years factually substantiates that this Christocentric approach to education works.
Two years ago, our school changed forever. An unknown visitor drove into the church parking lot awaiting a realtor to view local homes in the area. Looking from the school window, I suspiciously went to investigate and asked if I could be of assistance. The stranger stated, “I am just waiting for my realtor to show me the area.” After a brief inquiry and dropping my guard, I proceeded to invite the stranger into my class while I work at my desk to pass the time. Respectfully, the stranger declined and continued to wait for the realtor in the car.

One year later, the unknown visitor reemerged, this time seated in the rear of the sanctuary. With all the good qualities this newly discovered member brings to the Round Rock Seventh-day Adventist Church, we later discovered that this individual—who chooses to remain anonymous—is a person of enormous wealth, and contributes monetarily to meaningful projects. Their donations alone, to the Round Rock church, has been a minimum of $1.3 million to structural improvements to church facilities and $300,000 to church school renovations, new furniture and a minimum of $50,000 to the school’s curriculum. With much curiosity, the anonymous donor was asked, “Why donate so much to the Round Rock Church and school?” The donor’s reply: “The Lord told me to; you all are active in both church and community, and I like this teacher’s approach to Adventist Christian education—it works.”
With all that was given, one request was made by the anonymous member: “Make sure to take the tithe off the top and give God His portion; that way, the blessings will continue and God’s program will be blessed.” Lesson learned: “Remember to welcome strangers into your homes. Some people have done this and have welcomed angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2 (ICB).
By Ingrid Stanley