Alma Church Demolished

ALMA, ARK. – It is the decided purpose of every congregation to see the church built up. But sadly, the congregation of the Alma Seventh-day Adventist Church stood by as their church home of 11 years was torn down. The demolition was deemed necessary due to a contractor excavating near the church which undermined the church’s foundation resulting in the collapse of the church’s south wall.
“There was no way anyone was going to take liability and responsibility for letting someone in that building once that wall started to collapse and fall down,” Jerry Martin, Alma mayor said.
All of the walls and windows of the church were boarded up immediately and access to any of the building’s contents was forbidden, due to the unstable conditions.
The massive demolition equipment rolled in and in a matter of a few hours the church was reduced to a pile of rubble. Many tears were shed as the congregation reflected on their journey of lovingly renovating the downtown storefront into a house of worship.
The Alma congregation is not discouraged. The First United Methodist Church down the street let the congregation use its facilities so they haven’t missed a single week of worship.
The Alma church is taking monetary donations and donations of building materials to assist with rebuilding. The church is also asking any electricians, plumbers and carpenters that would be willing to donate their time to contact Burnham Rand at 479.353.0606. Your help will be appreciated.
By Burnham Rand