Adventurer Fun Day in Texico

CORRALES, N.M. – “I Will Go,” to Odessa, El Paso and Albuquerque! On April 9, the Texico Conference Club Ministries team participated in the Adventurer Fun Day which took place simultaneously in three different cities with a focus on the theme, I Will Go! I Will Go has been the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s strategic focus for the 2020-2025 quinquennium. The experience is meant to involve all church members (including young members) around the world in reaching the world. More than 300 people from around the conference participated in the Adventurer Fun Day for one purpose, emphasizing the Lord’s calling in our lives regardless of age or talent.
The Texico Area Club Coordinator team was a great asset in planning and working together to ensure that the event at each location ran smoothly. They made sure clubs did the same activities, played many of the same games and offered the same Adventurer awards. Church members from each location were also helpful and donated bounce houses, craft supplies and animals, and the Dog Award was among the major hits of the day.
Many local pastors also joined in and participated with their Pathfinder clubs. Supporting pastors from Midland, Odessa, Amarillo Spanish, Dalhart, Albuquerque and El Paso were present. It was a great day to celebrate and enjoy all that the Adventurer Club stands for and to empower our young people to do big things for Jesus through practical activities!
By Eric Chavez
Youth, Young Adults and Club Ministries Director