Adventurer Family Camp
CORRALES, N.M. – Every year, the Texico Conference Club Ministries Department hosts an Adventurer Family Camp in southern New Mexico. This year, due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the camp was hosted virtually. From April 24-26, Adventurer families camped in their backyards or living rooms and joined in on a variety of activities and meetings through Zoom. Over 190 people registered and 43 different groups participated.
Activities were based on the weekend’s theme “Share Jesus,” and the speaker for the meetings was Joel Navarro, pastor of the Abilene, Tex. district. Area coordinators led different activities which included rock painting, making plant cards, chalk messages on sidewalks and preparing crafts. Each activity highlighted how the Adventurers could share Jesus with others.
Although the Adventurers were at home, traditional club camp activities like the lowering and folding of the United States flag, uniform inspection and drill marches were not excluded. The Adventurers and their families presented stories, skits and showcased their musical talent. To close, families sent in pictures of their virtual camporee experience. They enjoyed a special presentation prepared by Chris Clapp, Southwest English coordinator for the Texico Conference. Feedback about this special weekend has been great. Parents indicated that their kids had a fun time despite not being able to visit the lake. The Adventurers were truly blessed and it was a wonderful “camp” experience that they will never forget.
By Derral Reeve, Club Ministries Director