A Positive Impact Through the Everyday Things

I was privileged to serve in a church once where our church family had the vision to serve their community on a daily basis. They were finding ways to meet people’s needs, love them dearly and then encourage them to be a part of God’s remnant family. It was exciting to see their enthusiasm, their dedication and their willingness to think outside the box.
Out of their ministries, the church grew. All age groups were coming to be a part of the family of God. I remember a group of young adults who were baptized; they were sincere and learning. These special young adults had come from various backgrounds of adversity and challenges. They loved the Lord and were zealous for Him.
In their desire to share Jesus, they decided to have a car show on the church grounds that would have a spiritual theme to all the activities involved. There was face painting for the kids that was designed around a Bible character, opportunity for sharing literature and live Christian music. More than 100 show cars came, some as far as 200 miles away.
All day, people in the community kept coming to see the cars and the other activities. The community seemed excited at the spiritual flavor they saw. There were smiles and laughter. Questions and affirmation. Sharing and joy. What a great day!
I distinctly remember from that experience that there were many in the community who were impressed enough to ask if they could come to our church, and they were assured they were welcome to join us. I also recall that the new young adults shared with me an important truth. They said, “Pastor, we have learned that you can have a lot of fun and still be a follower of Christ.” Literally, you could live every day for Jesus in the real world and make a positive impact.
I am reminded of what Paul says in three places. First, in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Second, Colossians 3:17, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” And finally, Titus 1:15, “To the pure, all things are pure…”
As I heard long ago, there is no sacred/secular distinction for the believer. Instead, to the follower of God, everything we do is our sacred walk with God. All of our life is to be an offering to Him, even in, and perhaps especially in, the everyday and fun things of life.
By Richard C. Dye, Sr.