A Lifelong Commitment to Outreach

ODESSA, TEX. – When I was 12 years old, while I was praying in my room, I felt an unmistakable presence and heard a gentle whisper in my heart: “Serve the least of these.” From that moment on, I knew God was calling me to minister to those in need. This calling required courage, trust and humility. Through the years, I’ve seen lives transformed, including my own.

When I was in my early 20s and preaching in prisons, my pastor’s encouragement and support helped my spiritual growth. It was during this time, as my trust in God deepened, that I learned the importance of outreach ministry and witnessing to those who need to hear about God’s love and mercy.
Later, when I was asked to lead a small Bible study group, I began the “Guerreros de Dios” (Warriors for God) outreach ministry, visiting nursing homes, serving at food banks and organizing community events.
The ministry flourished with the support of my husband and several members of the Odessa Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our ministry team began witnessing to residents of local nursing homes, including the Deering Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
This lead to one of the most joyous moments in our ministry when, on
April 13, Abner Razon, pastor of the Odessa English Seventh-day Adventist Church, baptized three residents of Deering Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Although their physical disabilities hindered them from entering a baptistry, the pastor washed their feet, symbolizing the powerful and reminiscent act of humility and service performed by Jesus. It was inspiring to see these residents embrace Jesus and commit to Him despite their physical limitations.
I’ve had challenges and moments of doubt during this journey. Becoming a ministry leader came with great responsibility. There were times the enemy was not pleased with the great blessings and spiritual growth taking place in the ministry, and I was attacked spiritually. My faith faltered, and I considered giving up. Yet, I’ve been constantly reminded by the Holy Spirit that God has a greater purpose for my life. My simple act of obedience at the age of 12 has become a lifelong commitment to outreach ministry.

I encourage others to heed God’s call in their own lives. Despite facing difficulties and opposition, it’s crucial to listen to God’s guidance and fearlessly venture into new unfamiliar territories. True faith doesn’t ignore our circumstances; it’s trusting God through them, allowing His divine plan to unfold. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
By Julissa Rios