A Heartwarming Return of VBS to Midland Church

MIDLAND, TEX. – Last June marked a wonderful occasion as the Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted its first Vacation Bible School (VBS) in eight years. It was an event of great significance as it was also a first for many of the volunteers who enthusiastically participated.
Prayers for this program to impact not only the children from the Midland church but also extend its reach to the wider community were answered by the grace of God. The groundwork for planning and organizing the VBS began in March. Volunteers diligently distributed invites at Walmart, placed posters at various locations such as the local laundromat, gym and daycare and even shared invitations at the park. The commitment of the volunteers was remarkable, as they reached out to their own loved ones, while the children enthusiastically invited their friends. Witnessing the collective effort to engage children who might never have ventured into our church was truly heartwarming.
Each evening, the air was filled with excitement, and the church was profoundly blessed by the presence of 40 children from the community, in addition to 21 of its own kids, who participated in the program. The Midland church is grateful to the volunteers who invested their time and energy to bring this program to life. It is also appreciative of the Texico Conference for its valuable training and support.

Romans 12:1 tells us, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” This verse serves as a reminder that it is our duty not only to nurture our own children but also to share the incredible plan of salvation with those around us. Pleasing God through our reasonable service brings us immeasurable happiness, a sentiment that resonated throughout the VBS week. It was a wonderful reminder to always be willing to reach out to our little ones for theirs is the Kingdom of God.
By Juscileide Gomes