A Community of Sisterhood

HOUSTON, TEX. – At 9 a.m. on Feb. 27, 2022, the Houston Bay Area Women’s Ministry (HBAWM) hosted a day of praying, sharing and caring. This event was held at the Baytown United Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our theme for the day was “A Community of Sisterhood.” This theme was intentionally chosen because that is what the Houston Bay Area Women’s Ministry is all about. Along with our goal to empower and strengthen women, we also believe in “A Community of Sisterhood,” which means coming together in solidarity based on shared experiences.
We had a wonderful fellowship as Kennedy Vanterpool reminded us that God is in control of our marriages and families, and Linda Moore shared about helpful tools for managing grief and pain.
The day culminated with a fundraiser. We were able to raise over $1,000 for our ministry. These funds will assist us in continuing to partner with various organizations including the Houston Food Bank, the Mission of Yahweh and the Ronald McDonald House. God is truly amazing, and we give Him all the glory and praise.
It is our desire to maintain “A Community of Sisterhood” and to effectively minister to the women that God has placed in our churches, our homes, our jobs and our communities, thus bringing supreme glory and joy to the heart of our Lord.
By Cherylyn Joseph